Whenever the believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit gather together, everyday is a celebration for us. When we think about how God has blotted out our sins and ruminate on the gospel of the water and the Spirit once again, we are all laughing in joy.
As the centurion in today’s scripture passage confessed his strong faith in Jesus, saying, “But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed,” there are people of faith in the Bible who also believed only in the Word of God and followed the Lord. Blessed are those who have the true faith in the Word of God. And the faith of this centurion is the same faith of those in our age who believe in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit.
In the above scriptural passage, our Lord said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he...
It is written here, “Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, ‘Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.’” Jesus then said...
With the faith that believes in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, our Lord has given us the ability to discern true...