The Lord said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” The biggest enemy to the righteous who live a life of faith is worry. It is not even today’s worry, but worry for the future. To us, the righteous, the worries about the future are from our own shortcomings and weaknesses. Therefore, we may say, “This is who I am now, then, how can I not worry about tomorrow?”
It is only natural that we worry when we look at ourselves. However, if we see our shortcomings of today and look at ourselves, who do not seem to have the possibility of having any better futures, and predict our future, we cannot but worry about it. And this can make us give up our life of faith. This is because since we think that we know ourselves very well and that there is no guarantee that the future will be better, so when there is no hope, we come to fall on worries. And these worries wither away our faith thoroughly and make us fall on the fatal worries—“Should I give up my faith?”
I hope you all are people of prayer. I hope you become people of faith by praying and experiencing the answers from God. I...
In today’s scriptural passage, our Lord commanded us to “enter by the narrow gate.” What, then, is this narrow gate that He would tell...
To become a part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, we need to believe in His Salvation. In other words, believing in His salvation...