To become a part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, we need to believe in His Salvation. In other words, believing in His salvation is the only way we become part of His genealogy.
Our Father God did not send angels to save us, he sent none other than His only son. It was Jesus Christ that our Father God sent to save us from our sins. He made a covenant that anyone who believes in Jesus, who is the Son of God and our Savior, would be forgiven of all of his sins once and for all. In such a context, Matthew 1:1 says, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” Here, “the genealogy of Jesus Christ” implies the spiritual world of how we can become God’s Children through the faith of knowing and believing in Jesus Christ, being delivered from the power of darkness.
I hope you all are people of prayer. I hope you become people of faith by praying and experiencing the answers from God. I...
In today’s scriptural passage, our Lord commanded us to “enter by the narrow gate.” What, then, is this narrow gate that He would tell...
Everyone born in this world is bound to fall in love at least once. This is how a man and a woman become one...